lunedì 28 febbraio 2011

the heavyness monster.

who weighs on my chest and i feel its the worst so far.
she asked me pen poised how many days a week would you say you feel...?

i chuckle, remembering the foto in the book i made the last year in college with the calendar circled in all those red days.
suicidal days.

'three?... four... five...?'

this week it's been seven.


update as i'm fascinated with hindi and google and this strange glitch in blogger to translate my posts to sanskrit as i write them.

(google's hindi translation)

भारीपन राक्षस.

जो मेरे सीने और मैं पर वजन का होता है इसकी अब तक सबसे खराब लग रहा है.
वह मुझे तैयार कितने दिनों एक सप्ताह तुम कहते हो तुम ... लगेगा कलम पूछा?

मैं कुड़ाकुड़ाना, पिछले साल मैं किताब में फोटो याद कैलेंडर के साथ कॉलेज में किए गए उन सभी लाल दिनों में परिक्रमा की.
आत्मघाती दिन.

तीन? ... चार ... पाँच ...?'

इस हफ्ते यह सात हो गया है.

heaviness monster.

That weighs on my chest and I feel it is by far the worst.
He prepared me you say you how many days a week ... Pen will ask?

I chuckle, last year I remember the photo book calendar days in college were all red circled.
Suicide day.

Three? ... Four ... Five ...?'

This week it's been seven.