mercoledì 4 maggio 2011

e lei ha paura che lui andra'. ed anche che i giorni della sua vita ci andranno come la terra si muove attorno il sole. tutto lo stesso, niente fatto ed al fine a rimpiangere che non ha fatto mica nulla.
pasando il tempo a letto insieme con il rosso, dormendo. dormendo la vita via.

martedì 3 maggio 2011

एंड तोमोर्रो इ अदमित देफ़ात.

तोमोर्रओव इ अदमित देफ़ात।

pills to comfort me
and im bleeding so much.

wondering if that ferris wheel hell out of control on its own down the terror track will shut the fuck up
and let me be happy.
with him.

lunedì 18 aprile 2011

फुएल. fuel

the movie.

easy, clean, cheap. everyone else is doin it. why aren't we in america?

cuz we gotta big itch to scratch.

but it's been infected for a long damn time.
bout time to amputate it from the knee.

watch this.

sabato 16 aprile 2011

अनिचा. अनित्य.

anitya. the nature of impermanence.

my tattoo.

the way to truth and peace. acceptance. wisdom. freedom.

anicca. anicha. anitya.


times like these... shoulda gone home early. and ma eyes waxmelt together under fluorescence. alice falls down the hole.


एंड एवेरी टाइम इ थिंक अबाउट आईटी यौर हैण्ड इस बेक इनसिदे ऑफ़ माय बॉडी, दीप इनसिदे में एंड माय हेड इस रीलिंग व्हिर्रिंग अरौंद आईटी एंड इ फील क्लोसे तो यू एंड वर्म एंड सो सो सतरंगे।
i'm in your house now let me spin.


(google's translation of the above.)


And Avery ME Think About Time IT Your Hand Inside the Back of My Body, Deep Inside My Head in and feel the reeling Whirraing Aroanda IT & ME U & worms and sleep the sleep Satrange Close.


(google's phonetic translation.)


Ēṇḍa ēvērī ṭā'ima i thiṅka abā'uṭa ā'īṭī yaura haiṇḍa isa bēka inasidē ŏfa māya bŏḍī, dīpa inasidē mēṁ ēṇḍa māya hēḍa isa rīliṅga vhirriṅga araunda ā'īṭī ēṇḍa i phīla klōsē tō yū ēṇḍa varma ēṇḍa sō sō sataraṅgē.

lunedì 28 febbraio 2011

the heavyness monster.

who weighs on my chest and i feel its the worst so far.
she asked me pen poised how many days a week would you say you feel...?

i chuckle, remembering the foto in the book i made the last year in college with the calendar circled in all those red days.
suicidal days.

'three?... four... five...?'

this week it's been seven.


update as i'm fascinated with hindi and google and this strange glitch in blogger to translate my posts to sanskrit as i write them.

(google's hindi translation)

भारीपन राक्षस.

जो मेरे सीने और मैं पर वजन का होता है इसकी अब तक सबसे खराब लग रहा है.
वह मुझे तैयार कितने दिनों एक सप्ताह तुम कहते हो तुम ... लगेगा कलम पूछा?

मैं कुड़ाकुड़ाना, पिछले साल मैं किताब में फोटो याद कैलेंडर के साथ कॉलेज में किए गए उन सभी लाल दिनों में परिक्रमा की.
आत्मघाती दिन.

तीन? ... चार ... पाँच ...?'

इस हफ्ते यह सात हो गया है.

heaviness monster.

That weighs on my chest and I feel it is by far the worst.
He prepared me you say you how many days a week ... Pen will ask?

I chuckle, last year I remember the photo book calendar days in college were all red circled.
Suicide day.

Three? ... Four ... Five ...?'

This week it's been seven.